Bluewaters Bay | Jumeirah Beach Residence | by Meraas
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 01A, Level 1 - 2 - 3 to 23 (typical) - 26 to 39 (typical) - 40 to 45 (typical) - Podium 2-3, Unit P205-P304-105-207-308 to 2308-2608 to 3908-4006-4206 to 4506-4106, 799 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 01B Promenade, Level Podium 1, Unit P101, 978 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 01B, Level 1 - 2 - 3 to 23 (typical) - 26 to 39 (typical) - 40 to 45 (typical) - 46 to 48 (typical) - 47 to 49 (typical) - Podium 2-3, Unit P201 to P301-101-4001-4201 to 4901-201 to 2301-2601 to 3901-4101
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 02 Promenade, Level Podium 1, Unit P104, 1058 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 02, Level 1 - 2 - 3 to 23 (typical) - 26 to 39 (typical) - Podium 2-3, Unit P204-P303-104-206-307 to 1707-1807 to 2307-2607 to 3907, 921 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 03 Promenade, Level Podium 1, Unit P103, 1256 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 03, Level 1 - 2 - Podium 2-3, Unit P203-P302-103-205, 1093 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 2BR, Type 01 Garden, Level 1, Unit 102, 1902 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 2BR, Type 01, Level 2 - 3 to 23 (typical) - 26 to 39 (typical), Unit 203 to 2303-2603 to 3603 to 3903-3703-3803, 1670 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 2BR, Type 02, Level 2 - 3 to 23 (typical) - 26 to 39 (typical), Unit 204 to 2304-2604 to 3904, 1309 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 2BR, Type 03 Promenade, Level Podium 1, Unit P102, 1601 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 2BR, Type 03, Level 2-3to23(typical)-26to39(typical)-40to45(typical)-46to48(typical)-47to49(typical)-Podium 2, Unit P202-202-302to1702-2002to2302-1802to1902-2602to3902-4002to4502-4602-4802-4702-4902, 1246 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 3BR, Type 01, Level 3 to 23 (typical) - 26 to 39 (typical), Unit 306-2306-2606 to 3906 to 3905, 2016 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 3BR, Type 02, Level 3 to 23 (typical) - 26 to 39 (typical), Unit 305 to 1705-1805 to 2305-2605 to 3905, 2046 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 3BR, Type 03, Level 40 to 45 (typical) - 46 to 48 (typical) - 47 to 49 (typical), Unit 4003 to 4903, 2033 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 4BR, Type 01, Level 40 to 45 (typical), Unit 4005 to 4505, 3038 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 4BR, Type 02, Level 40 to 45 (typical) - 46 to 48 (typical) - 47 to 49 (typical), Unit 4004-4104 to 4504-4604-4804-4704-4904, 2892 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, Penthouse Lower Level, 5BR, Level 46 to 48 (typical) - 47 to 49 (typical), Unit 4605-4805, 6878 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, Penthouse Upper Level, 5BR, Level 46 to 48 (typical) - 47 to 49 (typical), Unit 4605-4805, 6878 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 1, 1BR, Type 01A Promenade, Level Podium 1, Unit P105, 978 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Penthouse Upper Level, Tower 2, 5BR, Level 39-40, Unit 3906, 6907 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 01A Promenade, Podium 1, Unit P105, 982 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 01A, Level 1 - 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical) - 37 to 38 (typical) - Podium 2-3, Unit P205-P305-108- 208 to 1708-2008 to 3608-3707 to 3807, 803 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 01B Promenade, Podium 1, Unit P101, 977 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 01B, Level 1 - 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical) - 37 to 38 (typical) - 39 - 40 - Podium 2-3, Unit P201 to P301-101 to 1701-2001 to 3801-3901-4001, 799 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 02 Promenade, Podium 1, Unit P104, 1058 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 02, Level 1 - 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical) - Podium 2-3, Unit P204-P304-107- 207 to 1707-2007 to 3607, 920 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 03 Promenade, Podium 1, Unit P103, 1257 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 03, Podium 2, Unit P203, 1089 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 1BR, Type 05, Level 1 - Podium 3, Unit P303-106, 1002 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 2BR, Type 01 Garden, Level 1, Unit 103, 1952 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 2BR, Type 01, Level 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical) - 37 to 38 (typical) - 39 - 40, Unit 203 to 1703-2003 to 3803-3903-4003, 1670 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 2BR, Type 02 Garden, Level 1, Unit 104, 1549 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 2BR, Type 02, Level 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical) - 37 to 38 (typical) - 39 - 40, Unit 204 to 1704-2004 to 3804-3904 to 4004, 1309 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 2BR, Type 04 Promenade, Podium 1, Unit P102, 1240 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 2BR, Type 04, Level 1 - 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical) - 37 to 38 (typical) - 39 - 40 - Podium 2-3, Unit P202 to P302-102 to 1702-2002 to 4002, 975 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 3BR, Type 01, Level 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical), Unit 206-306 to 1706-2006 to 3606, 2015 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 3BR, Type 02 Garden, Level 1, Unit 105, 2347 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 3BR, Type 02, Level 2 - 3 to 17 (typical) - 20 to 36 (typical) - 37 to 38 (typical) - 39 - 40, Unit 205 to 1705-2005 to 3805-3905 to 4005, 2045 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Tower 2, 4BR, Type 01, Level 37 to 38 (typical), Unit 3706 to 3806, 2994 SQFT
Bluewaters Bay, Penthouse Lower Level, Tower 2, 5BR, Level 39-40, Unit 3906, 6907 SQFT